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There's no togetherness without join our fun activities at GetTogether


Train your critical thinking by join Debate Competitions. Are you ready?

Speak with Native Speaker

Can't speak English? Oh dear, you are kidding.. Try to speak with Native Speaker at our Examination! Then you can say "I can speak English"

Fast-breaking Together

Let's eat together! :D

Outdoor Speech Training

To become a good public speaker, we have to train a lot. Here, we usually train our mouth, our tongue, our mimics, our expressions, our bodylanguages, our gesture, and our braveness

Friday, August 26, 2011

ForPEC Demo #9 Video

This is the video..

ForPEC demo #9 snapshoots

Once upon a time, there was a ..

beautiful Superstar in the city. She was an English spoken woman.

Asep was her addicted fan. He really want to met her even 
had to left his parents in the village and could't speak English..

then he found the superstar. But, he could't met her 
due the strict preservation of her bodyguard.

Fortunately, the Superstar was a kind one. She told him, 
"If you want to be like me, you must join FORPEC"

Asep didn't know what FORPEC is. So, He looking for it by many ways, like
met a Shaman ("dukun") and his hybrid equipment..

.. be a m*n Globay Tv ..

.. crazy Film Director ..

.. and the last, an undefined thing called "FORPEC"

After a while, that thing had made Asep to be a different one.
And this made him could met the superstar..

Now, he is also be a Superstar because of FORPEC!

*the End*

ForPEC demo artists and crews :)

Official Inauguration of ForPEC #9

Remembering our lovely member ..

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ForPEC on the Blog!

After building ForPEC page and Twitter account, now we are going to build a Blog..

So, Please wait until the progress has done.. ;)

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